The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is an exciting step towards a cleaner future. However, it’s natural to have questions and concerns about this new technology. Particularly, home EV chargers can raise a few misconceptions. Let’s debunk some common myths and set the record straight:

Myth #1: Home EV Chargers are Unsafe

Fact: Safety is a top priority in EV charging technology. EV chargers are rigorously tested and must adhere to strict safety standards before being certified (like the EVSE certification in Malaysia). These certifications ensure the chargers are equipped with features like overload protection and grounding to prevent electrical hazards. Additionally, using a qualified electrician for installation further minimises any potential risks.

ChargeSingh prioritizes safety. All our chargers are EVSE certified, and we recommend consulting with qualified electricians in our network to guarantee a safe and proper installation.

Myth #2: Home Charging Significantly Increases Electricity Bills

Fact: While charging your EV will add to your electricity bill, it’s generally much cheaper than fuelling a petrol or diesel car. The cost difference can be significant, especially considering the increasing cost of traditional fuels. Here in Malaysia, electricity tariffs are generally lower compared to many other countries. Additionally, installing solar panels at home can significantly reduce your electricity costs in the long run. ChargeSingh can partner you with SOLS Energy, a provider of solar subscription services that allows you to install solar with zero upfront cost. There’s also a government incentive called the Solar Roof Initiative (SolaRIS) that provides Malaysians with a cashback of RM4,000 when they install solar panels on their homes. By combining home charging with solar power, you can maximize your cost savings and environmental benefits.

ChargeSingh can help you estimate the potential impact on your electricity bill based on your chosen charger and typical driving habits.

Myth #3: Installing a Home EV Charger is Complex and Expensive

Fact: Installing a home EV charger, especially for a qualified installer, can be a straightforward process. A qualified installer can assess your electrical setup and recommend the most suitable charger type and any necessary modifications. Regardless of the charger type, the overall cost is often offset by the long-term savings on fuel and potential incentives for home charger installations.

ChargeSingh can provide you with qualified EV charger installers who can assess your electrical setup and provide a transparent quote for installation.

By understanding these common misconceptions, you can make an informed decision about installing a home EV charger. It’s a convenient, safe, and cost-effective way to fuel your EV and contribute to a more sustainable future.